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About KCC

Our Philosophy


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47 Beauchamp Street
Po Box 17 400

Karori Childcare Centre (KCC) was set up in 1987 as a non-profit parent co-operative overseen by the Centre Management Committee.

We're licensed to cater for a maximum of 25 children, 8 of whom can be under twos.

What is a parent co-operative?

A parent co-operative is a non-profit Centre that relies on parent involvement for its success. This means that all parents get involved in the management of the Centre. This ensures we get high quality care and education for our children at a reasonable cost.

This participation can take many forms:

  • joining the Management Committee
  • participating in working bees
  • mending books
  • helping out on projects as they arise

Basically we're a small community who get involved with the staff in making the Centre the best it can be for our children.

It's not all about working bees and hard work, we also have fun together at parent and whanau evenings and other events. This is an important way to build up the community feeling. It's also a great way for the children to see their parents interacting with staff and other families.

Why choose us over other early childhood education and care providers?

  • KCC has been running successfully for over twenty years
  • We have a strong whanau and community atmosphere
  • Children are treated as individuals and are constantly praised for their achievements
  • Our teachers are highly qualified, professional and dedicated to our children
  • We have a mixed age environment that promotes tuakana-teina relationships

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