Once you've been offered a place at KCC and have worked out your start date we'll talk to you about settling your child in.
We require you to bring your child in at least three times before enrolment commences. This ensures that your child is familiar and comfortable with the Centre which results in a smoother transition.
A healthy lunch, morning and afternoon tea are provided by our cook, take a look at a sample menu.
Parents need to supply nappies if required and a labelled change of clothes.
Daily Routine
KCC is open from 7.45am - 5.45pm.
7.45am |
Centre Opens -
All children who arrive at this time are dropped off into the Main room.
8:15am |
Teacher opens outside or whanau room.
9.15am |
Rolling morning tea.
10:00am |
Free play continues, inside-outside flow.
11:30am |
Tidy up for lunch. Under two's Lunch Time.
11:35am |
Mat Time.
11.45am |
Over two’s lunch.
12:15pm |
Sleep routine commences. Outdoor play for older tamariki.
1.15pm |
Main room is set up. Inside/ outside free play continues.
1:30pm |
Extension activities for older children -
building on
ongoing projects or interests noticed in morning.
2:15pm |
Rolling Afternoon Tea
3:00pm |
Free play inside and outside.
5:00-5.45pm |
Free play/ quiet time in front room or whanau room.During summer outside is open later.
5:45pm |
Centre closes.