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Waitlist Form





476 3621 ph

476 3628 fax

47 Beauchamp Street
Po Box 17 400

Enrolment at Karori Childcare Centre

KCC welcomes children for full time care. Our fees are listed below.

We are open from 7.45am - 5.45pm.

If you are interested in booking a place with us the best thing to do is to contact our Senior Teacher, Haley Mercer. We have a waitlist, however as family circumstances change often a place could become available at any time. You can fill out our waitlist form and email, fax, post or drop it into the Centre.

You are welcome to visit our centre, the best times being either 10am or 2pm. Please make an appointment prior to your visit so our Senior Teacher, Haley can put aside some time to answer any questions you may have.

Schedule of Fees:

Fees for under 3 year olds:

Full Day Full Time
Fee rates $73.00 $365.00

Fees for 3 & 4 year olds:

Full Time
Fee rates $225.00

*Part time charges for over three depend on how many of the 20 hours is attested at KCC.
* Fees are inclusive of GST.
* A maximum of 6 free hours can be claimed per day, up to a total of 20 hours per week.
* We have a 2-session minimum, the cost for the day is for use in combination bookings.

Casual fees are charged at the same rate as your childs full day.

Fees are paid regardless of illness, family holidays, public holidays or when the centre is closed. We are closed for two weeks over Christmas.

Once your child is offered a place a booking fee of $50.00 is required to ensure commitment from parents who are on the waiting list, who have been offered a place at KCC. This booking fee is reimbursed onto your child’s account when you leave KCC. If the family decides not to continue at KCC after a fortnight of enrolment, the booking fee will not be reimbursed. A one off $30.00 activity fee is charged upon commencing an enrolment.

Late fees will be charged. Families of children not collected by 5.45pm will incur late fees of $20 per quarter hour, in quarter hour blocks.

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